Friday, November 27, 2015

I miss you!

On this day two years ago I wrote my blog entry about Black Friday.  Facebook reminded me of this and it made me miss this blog so much!  I decided that it's time for an update and more blogging.  I may not post regularly, but truly this blog has to be for me.  If others want to read it, that is fine, but I'm going to write it for me.  So, that means I will write when I'm inspired, not because I have to.  I will write about anything that I feel passionate about at the time.  I am still redesigning my life...if I wasn't constantly trying to improve myself life wouldn't be very much fun.  So, without further adieu, here's an update on my life:

Location: I've moved into Alexandria, I live in a tiny little apartment only 7 blocks from work with someone special.....

Relationship: My boyfriend and I live together.  Yep, you heard right...I'm not single anymore.  We have been dating for almost a year and I couldn't be happier.  I'm sure I will write about him more in a later post.

Job: I work at Alexandria Area Arts Association as the box office manager.  I LOVE my job even though I only work part time.  (I'm currently looking for another part time job.)  Yes, I'm still selling Perfectly Posh.  I am currently ranked at Pink +3 with 45 wonderful women on my team.

Health:  I found out about 6 months ago that I have Meniere's Disease so I've been trying to change my diet to have less sodium.  I've also been trying to stay away from caffeine.

Life: In general, my life is amazing.  I do struggle from time to time just like everyone, but for the most part I'm happy and excited for the future.

This blog: I'm looking forward to sharing some tips on how to live in a small space with two people.  I'm also excited about sharing some LoSo (low sodium) recipes as I work to find some that are tasty and easy to make.  More than anything, I'm looking forward to sharing my adventures as I continue to redesign my life.

Welcome new readers and welcome back past readers!

(P.S.  I think the first order of business is changing the design of this blog.)

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