Monday, March 31, 2014

Spring has Sprung

Like most people, I get antsy during the Spring and have to rearrange my apartment and do some major cleaning.  I don't even care if Mother Nature thinks we should have 10 more inches of snow before Easter (I really hope that's not her plan), I've already been busy Spring cleaning.  I picked up a wonderful trick from The Fly Lady using a timer to clean one area for 15 minutes, then move to another area for 15 minutes.  After the first 45 minutes, take a 15 minute break.  This may seem silly, but it's the only way I can stay focused.  It also makes me realize how much can be accomplished in 45 minutes.

First it was time to throw back the curtains and open the shades.  I have to keep them closed in the winter because the windows in this old building let in the cold air.  :(  I feel like a vampire all winter, it's so amazing being able to let some natural light into the dark rooms.  After I took a moment to survey all the dust everywhere (that seems to only be visible in natural light) I decided to skip that step and go through the closet and pack up the winter clothes and hang up my summer dresses.

I was so happy with my reorganized closet that I decided to rearrange my bedroom and bathroom.  The downside to this decision means that I have to dust thoroughly and vacuum.  It took me about an hour and 15 minutes using the Fly Lady method to clean the bathroom, bedroom, and hallway.  I moved some furniture around and found that one of my shelves made the PERFECT display for my Posh products!

The great thing about having a clean apartment is that I can have people over! :)  I invited girls only to my place for Sunday Funday yesterday.  It was girls only because we did some foot pampering and tried out some other Posh stuff.

I missed going with my Minneapolis/St. Paul friends to Lush for bottomless mimosas and breakfast SO I made it happen here.  I made a mimosa bar for my friends to mix their own.  I had pink champagne, regular champagne, and NA spumante.  To mix I had orange juice, grapefruit juice, and peach mango.  I got a bunch of garnishes too, lemons, limes, peaches, strawberries, raspberries, kiwi, and starfruit.  (I had never eaten starfruit before, my review: I didn't like it much.  It tasted like watered-down apples and the aftertaste reminded me of dirt.  Anyone out there who has eaten them before can maybe tell me if this is normal of if they were just too ripe or unripe.)

It's not Sunday Funday without food, so I had all the ingredients for build-your-own kabobs.  My mom gave me some marinades from Tastefully Simple, I marinated the chicken in the Chipotle Beer Marinade Mix and the shrimp in Jamacian Jerk Beer Marinade Mix.  Let me tell you, they were both amazingly mouthwatering.  (I'm going to use left-over chipotle chicken for tacos or quesdillas.)

Of course, it's Monday now so it's dreary and cloudy.  It's supposed to rain (and then turn into snow) until 8am tomorrow morning.  Such is life in Minnesota.  I can't wait to get that grill going again!  I'm hoping to have Sunday Funday every Sunday! :)

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