Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Week #4 Challenge

This week started out pretty badly.  I don't usually have bad Mondays but this one was not fun!  Without getting into too many details, I budgeted terribly wrong for my upcoming event and I'm suffering today because of it.  I know I'll snap out of it and it's not like it's a complete loss, but sometimes its difficult to roll with the punches life throws your way.  Instead of dwelling on it, I decided to make this week my "get pretty every day" week.  I will attempt to do something beautifying for myself every day of the week.  It's going to be a pretty heavy harvest week, so I guess I'll be getting pretty to go out in the field.

Since it's Monday night (it is when I'm writing this any way) I decided to start my beauty week with a nice hot shower.  After the shower I used Juice Beauty's Green Apple Peel Sensitive face mask that I received in one of my previous Birchboxes.  This mask smells kind of like baby food and it burns just a little bit a first.  Beyond those two things, it is one of my favorite products I've received.  It goes on thin so you don't get that "crunchy" mask feeling as it dries.  I wipes off nicely leaving your skin feeling smooth and clean.  My pores seem a little smaller and my skin had a nice glow.  This product is certified organic, if you're really into that, me not so much.  (As you can see a manicure is on the list of things to do this week.)

I followed the mask with Egyptian Magic All Purpose Skin Cream, a small sample lotion I received in last month's Birchbox.  I was a little worried about using this one because it felt like petroleum jelly when I squished the package in my hand.  Putting it on, however, was a different feeling.  It seemed to heat up when it came in contact with my skin.  A little went a long way so I'm hoping to use this 0.1 oz sample a couple more times.  I'm sure I'm going to like this one for an overnight moisturizer, I don't think the formula would blend well with my makeup.  It has some interesting ingredients including olive oil, bee pollen, and royal jelly, obviously not a good choice for those allergic to bees or honey.  It is also very insightful, on the back it says "Life takes from the taker & gives to the giver.  Above all, let your world be your bond."  In reading that my terrible Monday got a little better.  (Yikes, MUST fix my nails!)

The final beautifying step I took was to my hair.  I believe I've mentioned this product before and I'm sure I'll mention it again, but it is by far my most favorite Birchbox product.  I love it so much I ordered the full size.  Yep, its my leave-in conditioner/de-tangler.  Number 4 Super Comb Prep & Protect was developed to help protect hair from the heat of blow dryers and styling tools, but it works nicely as a "primer" for hair.  I like to spritz this all over my hair before bed, roll my hair up in some loose buns and then just let them fall in the morning or pull my hair up in a ponytail.  I'm going for second option tomorrow since I'll be driving tractor all day.

Sorry this picture is so strange, it was difficult taking a picture of the back of my head.  I had to use the flipped camera on my phone in the mirror to capture it and then zoom in.

This was all I had the motivation to accomplish for my first "get pretty" day.  Tomorrow I tackle the fingernails!

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