Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Week #6 Challenge

Well, since week #5 was a complete failure (I'm going to revisit that challenge at a later date) I have decided that I am going to do the EASIEST challenge this week....RELAX!!!

No, this is not a cop out.  I have been SO stressed out these last few weeks that I have been feeling sick and I've been having anxiety attacks.  Now that Alexzombia is over and we are in the full swing of corn harvest, I need to relax!  My goal with this challenge is to make sure I get enough sleep, drink lots of water, and just generally relax this week.  I'm not starting off very well since I spent all morning yesterday catching up with my blog and then went to the field til the wee hours of the night.  To tell the truth, sometimes the blog is relaxing. :)

Another way I relax is to get all of my racing thoughts out of my head by writing them down.  Whether is a whole page of ranting or a list of things I need to do, writing it down helps me realize that everything is OK and I will get everything done.

(Random Sillyness:  When I was writing the above paragraph, I typed "whole bag of ranting".  When I went to review what I wrote before posting it I caught that typo and laughed so hard I was snorting.  Isn't it amazing how something so small can make your day brighter.  And yes,  you can laugh at me too.)

What is your favorite way to relax?  Maybe you should take time for relaxation this week too.  :)

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